The story starts off by telling you about an ‘Illager’ who’s cast out by society. In his anger, he finds the ‘Orb of Dominance’, becomes the ‘Arch-Illager’ and begins his reign of terror. Ominous, right? In telling this story the game is humorous from the off and sets the tone for what is a very enjoyable game.
Author: @Becquerel269
Just announced in a stealth-dropped YouTube video was the final major content update for Super Mario Maker 2. Included in this update, amongst other things, is the Power Balloon, made famous by Tubular from Super Mario World on the SNES. This means you can finally recreate that devilishly hard level in your own world.
You may have just completed Link’s Awakening and are wondering what to pick up next. We thought we’d take a look at the many many games which will break your wallet in the month coming out on Switch in October.
You’ve seen all the playful cutesy trailers and the charming gameplay in the run-up to the game’s release, but how is Link’s Awakening now that it is out and available to buy? Is it worth it or should it have been left to sleep?
What were your favourite announcements from the presentation? What are you most looking forward to playing? Let us know in the comments down below.
We’re expanding our offering here at Front Page Gaming by launching our YouTube channel.
On the channel we will discuss similar things to the content we provide here, but in a wonderful Technicolor and audio format.
The game launched in August last year on Steam and quite quickly became one of the fastest selling games on the platform. We cannot wait to experience this game on the go, when it launches on Nintendo Switch later this year.
After months of swirling rumours and “leaked” pictures online, Nintendo has today finally presented the Nintendo Switch Lite.
Rock of Ages 2, is probably the funniest game on Switch, the cut-scenes are laugh out loud hilarious. Before the start of each level in the main campaign, you are greeted to a very Monty Python-esque cut-scene. If you are after a game to make you laugh, Rock of Ages 2 will seriously not disappoint.